The Candidates & Credentials Committee relies on the candidate's mentor (or mentors) to assist us with the evaluation of a candidate's preparation for the gospel ministry. The mentor will ordinarily be the pastor of the church where the candidate is a member, or where the candidate is serving as an intern, but may also include ruling elders or other ministers who have regular interaction with the candidate.
Jesus says that "a servant is not greater than his master" (John 15:20). Those who would lead the church must first learn the path of humility -- the way of the cross. Reformed ministerial training rightly focuses on training pastors to be sound and faithful preachers of the Word. But ministers must also be examples to the flock -- and this can only come through the path of discipleship. Mentors may find it useful to work through certain classic texts on the life and character of the pastor with their students, such as Gregory the Great's, Book of Pastoral Rule.
Seminary life and the time after seminary offer unique stresses and temptations to men preparing for the ministry. They need someone they can turn to who has had the same experiences. There can be truth to the jibe that "coming under care is coming under neglect," and the mentor is the person who can make a real difference in the life of the candidate.
Mentor Evaluation Form