Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario









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Student Aid Fund


The Student Aid Fund was created to assist needy students who are preparing for the gospel ministry. The rules for the Student Aid Fund are found in the presbytery bylaws and are as follows:


VI. Rules for Administering the Student Aid Fund

      A. The Student Aid Fund may be used either to provide funds for seminary students or for internships. The amount of assistance shall depend upon the resources of the Fund.

      B. For a seminary student to qualify for receiving aid to assist with the cost of seminary, he must:

          1. be either under the care of or licensed by the presbytery

          2. be studying at a theological seminary to meet the requirements of FG XXIII.3

          3. be preparing specifically for the gospel ministry (cf. FG VI-IX)

          4. demonstrate financial need

      C. The amount of assistance for seminary students shall not ordinarily exceed $500 per semester to any individual (or up to $2,000 per semester if matching funds are provided by his home church).

      D. For a church to qualify for receiving aid to assist with an internship, it must:

           1. ordinarily meet the requirements for mentoring churches for the Subcommittee on Ministerial Training of the General Assembly’s Committee on Christian Education and submit a duplicate of its application to the presbytery’s C&C Committee

           2. demonstrate financial need

      E. The amount of assistance for an internship shall not ordinarily exceed $600 per month for up to one year.

      F. The committee shall include the Student Aid Fund in its annual budget request, and may also receive special gifts.

      G. Matching fund proposals and funding for internships exceeding six months must be approved by presbytery.

      H. The committee should also encourage needy students to apply for the General Assembly Christian Education Committee's interest free student loan.

       Link to Presbytery Bylaws

So long as funds permit, each qualified student will receive $500 per semester. We recommend that all students apply for funds by April 1 for the following academic year, so that the Committee can make its proposal to the presbytery at the Spring stated meeting. Applications received after April 1 will be considered as funds become available.

As stated in the Rules, the amount of assistance depends on the resources of the fund.

In order to demonstrate financial need, we ask that each student submit a brief application letter describing his circumstances, together with a full budget (including all anticipated sources of income, together with all foreseen expenses), and a letter from his deacons that demonstrates that they are aware of his financial need, and concur with his application.